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Monday, September 30, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Plans - Truth Or Consequences?

Fast weight loss doesn't exist, unless of course your idea of losing fast, is losing 1 or 2 pounds a week. There is no machine, no special type of cardio, no special diet, no special workout, no special pill, no special anything that will allow you to lose weight fast safely and healthily.

Losing weight fast, is usually only recommended for those people who are suffering from obesity for a long time. If they don't go the route of accelerated weight loss then they might become victims of disorders like high sugar levels, high blood pressure and heart attacks.

Rapid loss is only really appropriate for those who are extremely overweight and is not appropriate for people only looking to lose 2-20 pounds.

Accelerated weight loss can and does occur when eating correct carbohydrates. From fructose to complex carbohydrates, these diet foods will burn more calories while making your body feel full.

Losing weight extremely fast is not the key to successful, sustained weight control. It is usually followed shortly by rapid weight gain. Besides, 1 pound of fat contains 3,500 calories, so you need to burn 500 more calories than you eat each day to lose just 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500) - It is all about winning the race slowly and steadily. .

Rapid loss is also hard on your body and especially on the heart. The speed of change pushes the body's adjustment skills to the limit. It also places you at greater risk for an eating disorder. You may be tempted to starve yourself, leading to anorexia.

Dieting, by its very nature, is a temporary fix for a permanent problem.

Diets that promise fast loss of weight, with hardly any effort don't give you the skills you need to maintain your weigh. In some cases, these quick fix routines can even be seriously detrimental to your health.

When it comes to losing weight, most experts will tell you that it is not about dieting. It's about developing better habits.

Bon Appétit

Linda Isaac

For More Related Topics Blog: Green Smoothie Weight Loss

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