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Saturday, September 28, 2013

4 Great Ways to Give Yourself a Weight Loss Motivation Boost

Do you need a weight loss motivation boost? Then you are in luck because I am going to share 4 great ways that you can ramp up your motivation that have not only worked for me but also clients of mine. If you have a couple of minutes right now to read this article then you can give yourself a boost and lose the weight.

Weight Loss Motivation Boost

1. Expand your focus. If you focus on all the different things you must do in order to lose weight then you will soon feel very contracted and flat but if you shift your focus to all of the great things you are bringing into your life by eating right and exercising and how vibrant and alive you will feel you will watch your motivation soar.

2. Start your day in winning form. A great way to get in the flow and build motivation is to start each day with a win. Eat a great breakfast with protein or exercise and you will feel motivated to do more as the day goes on.

3. Know what you are really after. If your goal is vague, "I am going to lose weight." Then you will not feel very motivated to move forward, however if you goal is crystal clear and specific, "I am going to lose 25 pounds and wear my swim suit with pride this summer." then you will find motivation bursting out of your ears.

4. Commit to doing one thing without fail. When you feel you must change a bunch of things about your lifestyle in order to lose weight you will feel overwhelmed and paralyzed. To turn this into motivation commit to doing one thing really well. For instance, commit to exercising everyday of the week without fail and when you master that one thing you will feel motivated to add more and more.

Use these tips as your weight loss motivation boost and get yourself into action.

For More Related Topics Blog: Home Weight Loss Workouts

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