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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Four Ways to Help You Stop Emotional Eating and Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Emotional eating is the simplest way to derail any flat stomach diet and prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals. These four tips will help you put a stop to this self sabotage and help you stay on your clean eating track.

The simplest way to stop emotional eating and to curb your cravings is to brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth after every meal not only promises good dental health, but who really wants to mess up freshly brushed teeth? Not to mention the combination of sweet chocolate and spearmint don't really go so well.

Next time your hand starts reaching for that candy bowl remind yourself of your weight loss goals. Remind yourself why you are working out - what are you working towards? Are you trying to fit into a pair of jeans? Lose 10lbs for a vacation or just feel more confident in shorts? Whatever your weight loss goals are - eating candy will not help you get there, instead it will make it that much harder for you. Reminding yourself of your goals will make it that much harder for you to dig into those sweets.

Instead of eating your emotions - try writing them down. Grab a piece of paper or take a notebook and write down how you feel when you are craving these sweet treats. Writing down your feelings and emotions will not only help you get through the emotional sugar cravings, but it will help you to notice any trends and patterns in your behavior.

Finally, and probably the simplest way to curb your sweet cravings is to drink a glass of water. Most of us don't drink enough water anyways and therefore we mistake our sugar cravings for hunger, when really we are thirsty. Not only will you quench your thirst, but the water will fill you up, leaving no room for dessert!

We have all had moments of weakness when emotional eating gets the best of us. But keeping in mind these strategies next time you reach for that sugary treat will help you reach your weight loss goals that much faster.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss On Vegan Diet

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